Wow, I haven't done one of these in a while. Anyway, my goal is to review every album I bought (or otherwise listened to) this year. But there are just so darn many albums, and sometimes I just don't feel like writing a full reviews. So to combat this, I have decided that I shall give a few really quick reviews all at once... in haiku form. Here we go!
The Waiting by Royal Wood
A voice like velvet
Captivating piano
Eloquently smooth
Download A Discovery (We're Lovely)
High Violet by The National
Gorgeous arrangements
Vocals that cut to your soul
It will grow on you
Download England
This Is Happening by LCD Soundsystem
Not unexpected
Electro-punk dance party
This is LCD
Download Pow Pow
The Waiting by Royal Wood

Captivating piano
Eloquently smooth
Download A Discovery (We're Lovely)
High Violet by The National

Vocals that cut to your soul
It will grow on you
Download England
This Is Happening by LCD Soundsystem

Electro-punk dance party
This is LCD
Download Pow Pow