3am Mixtapes: Episode Ninety Four: WCMA Nominees
Each week on the 3am Mixtapes podcast, I will share with you the Top Six Songs of a certain subject. The topics can be as general as best concept albums. Some might be a little more... specific. Top Six Songs Off An Band's First Album.
Since this is a big weekend in Victoria coming up, with Rifflandia and Break Out West and all that hullabaloo, I figured it appropriate to look at the Top Six WCMA Nominees!
Some award potentials are:
"Mouthpiece" by Dan Mangan + Blacksmith
"A Real Fine Mess" by The Harpoonist & The Axe Murderer
"Get Your Shit Together" by The Wet Secrets
"Broken for Good" by Jill Barber
"Can't Getcha Out" by Nat Jay
"Uja" by Tanya Tagaq
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Since this is a big weekend in Victoria coming up, with Rifflandia and Break Out West and all that hullabaloo, I figured it appropriate to look at the Top Six WCMA Nominees!
Some award potentials are:
"A Real Fine Mess" by The Harpoonist & The Axe Murderer
"Get Your Shit Together" by The Wet Secrets
"Broken for Good" by Jill Barber
"Can't Getcha Out" by Nat Jay
"Uja" by Tanya Tagaq
Any questions or comments or waffles or criticisms or suggestions for future themes are welcome!