3am Mixtapes: Episode Forty Seven: Entrance Music
Each week on the 3am Mixtapes podcast, I will share with you the Top Six Songs of a certain subject. The topics can be as general like best Scottish bands. Some might be a little more... specific. Top Six Songs To Chill Out To While Around A Campfire.
Get it going with:
"Stormy High" by Black Mountain
"How Do You Like Me Now?" by The Heavy
"Trainwreck 1979" by Death From Above 1979
"Get Out The Way" by Mother Mother
"The War on East Coast" by The New Pornographers
"Chances" by Athlete
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I used to be a huge wrestling fan, and one thing that I was always jealous of was their supernatural ability to have a certain piece of music play any time any wrestler entered the ring. Which is why I imagine what I'd want to play when I came in any room with the Top Six Entrance Songs!
Get it going with:
"Stormy High" by Black Mountain
"How Do You Like Me Now?" by The Heavy
"Trainwreck 1979" by Death From Above 1979
"Get Out The Way" by Mother Mother
"The War on East Coast" by The New Pornographers
"Chances" by Athlete
Any questions or comments or waffles or criticisms or suggestions for future themes are welcome!