Musical Roots: The New Pornographers

This is the third of four episodes, which will released on a [hopefully] weekly basis in the next month. While the first two were more a chronological history of the featured acts, this one is a little different. This week I take a look at not only The New Pornographers, but also all the things that go to make up the band. All of the various members other bands; AC Newman, Neko Case, Destroyer, Immaculate Machine, Limblifter, Fancey and The Evaporators. And then of course, a look at The New Pornos themselves. The feature is in three 15 minute segments, and that is how I present them to you. In streaming or downloadable options.
I hope you enjoy it, and I would very much welcome any sort of feedback you may have (positive or negative), either commented here or through the emails at: 3amRevelations [at] gmail [dot] com.
Download The New Pornographers Part One
Download The New Pornographers Part Two
Download The New Pornographers Part Three
*If you enjoy this blog and do not know of this station, I suggest you give it a listen. We play a lot of awesome music, and I don't just say this because I am the current music director.